Thursday 9 May 2019

Education Outside The Classroom 2019. 09/05/2019

Hi today I am going to talk about what I did On E.O.T.C Week. So on E.O.T.C Week on the 27th of march we went to visit camp to explore it and what it is going to look like when we go to camp. I am going to camp when I am a year six but now I am a year four. It was really fun there and so awesome. When I was there I was I group six. When you go to camp you are going to be put into number cabins and then you have to have a meeting for what cabin you are going to be in then you have to decide which of yous are going to be the leader of your captin then yeah that all then you get to go to camp in your cabin  group then when you start you will stay there for 3 day but not with your family you are going to stay at camp for 3 day. When I was there I had lots of fun. The activities I did was the challenge valley and the Zip-line. On the zip-line it is like a flying fox but longer than a flying I had lots and lots and lots of fun there maybe you will too. THE END.


  1. Good morning everybody My name is Pearlininta and I am from May Road school. You can comment on my blog on:Pearlinita at may road
    Catch yous later and have a magical day.

  2. Hello,Pearlintia.
    I am Delilah from Yaldhurst Model School. I am a year 6 and I love you interesting words.Maybe next time you could add a little bit more about the cabins. Also the cabins sounded exciting.The rabbits are really cute. This is a great blog post if you could can you check out my blog post some time.

    kind regards
    Delilah Y6

  3. Hi Pearlintia This is Michaela from Yaldhurst Model school
    You have put sentences to two times only for some sentences and maybe you can put the sentences into paragraphs so then people will what to read it and not bunched up.
    I did not now that there was a camp or that it was called .E.O.T.C week I have not been there.
    WHat was your favorite part about it because I went on a camp for ST john and the food was mine.

  4. Kia ora Pearlinita!

    My name is Hana and I'm a year 6 from Yaldhurst Model School!

    Wow Pearlinita! I love the blog post you've done! The writing up top explains really well on what you do at your camp! I got a really clear idea on what you were talking about!

    You know, when I was a year 4, I got to go to camp. I wonder why you didn't. Maybe it's because they had enough year 6s to go to camp? I don't know, but when you do go to camp and look around, I bet you'll love it!

    I remember the first time I went to camp, it was really cold! I had to give my friend my extra blanket it was so cold! But, I also remember that when I was there, I couldn't go to sleep because the girls that I was in the tent with were making a racket!

    Are you going to be sleeping in tents when you go camping?

    Or will you sleep inside instead?

    And what would you prefer?

    Tents? Or Inside?

    From Hana ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ

  5. Kia Ora I'm Jorja from Yaldhurst Model School.

    I liked the way you have explain what you did at your camp.

    This reminded me of when I went camping with my class two years ago!

    Next time, you could center it and spit it into paragraphs.

    What are the bunnies names?

    Kind Regards Jorja.

  6. Hello Pearlinita,

    I am Lucy from Yaldhurst Model School. I am year 6

    I love your blog post. I like how you showed us the photos of the bunnies. (THEY ARE SO CUTE!!). I also like how you write the words in BOLD.

    I think next time just re-read it to fix some grammer and punction. Maybe you could split your writing into 2 or 3 paragraphs so it´s easier to read.

    What are the bunnies names?

    What is your favourite thing at camp?

    Kind Regards

    From Lucy :D
